Don't Navigate Your Bitcoin Journey Alone

Columbus Is The First Digital Community For Those Who Want Practical Help And Real Community To Navigate Their Bitcoin Journey.


Have You Wanted To Go Deeper In Your Bitcoin Journey But Didn't Know Where To Begin?


Our team has personally helped thousands of everyday people, businesses, and high-net worth individuals understand Bitcoin in practical ways and level up from seeker to sovereign.

Meet The Columbus Crew
The "Bitcoin Daily Guy"

I'm Dante

But some people do call me the "Bitcoin Daily Guy".  

I got into Bitcoin in 2017, after being lured in by the crypto casinos. 

Like most people, I initially came for the returns, but I eventually escaped the fiat hamster wheel and became a sovereign individual.

I joined Swan's Private team as a Managing Director in 2022 working with High Net Worth Individuals and Families. I was fortunate enough to stand up the Swan Business Unit from the ground up. 

In January 2024, I became the host of the Bitcoin Daily Show - where I helped educate thousands of people daily on Bitcoin.

Each video got 30,000 - 50,000 views per day! 

I love making Bitcoin approachable, consumable, and relatable.

Too many people feel isolated and alone when it comes to navigating this frontier of Bitcoin.

Diving into things something like Bitcoin can be confusing, overwhelming, hard, and scary. 

Columbus is the community for you.

What Is Columbus?
Learn About Columbus:   Community - Content - Coaching

What is Columbus And Who Is It For?

From Seeker To Sovereign. Columbus provides the community, courses, and coaching to help you navigate your Bitcoin journey. 


Bitcoin 101 For Beginners

A Safe Community To Step Into The Unknown

  • You are just getting into Bitcoin and want to learn the basics about Bitcoin.
  • You are asking questions like: What is it? How can I buy it? How do I know I can trust it? How will I know they won't print more?
  • For you, we offer our Community Forum Platform and Bitcoin 101 Courses to get you on the right track.
Sign Up For Adventurer Tier
Bitcoin Courses, Content, And Community

Curated Guidance Down The Rabbit Hole

You've taken the beginning steps to understanding Bitcoin but want to go deeper. 

  • Private Community Platform
  • Access To Digital Library Of Self-Sovereignty Content
  • Curated Content Through Our Bi-Weekly Newsletter 
  • Access to Webinars, Conversations, and Interviews With Top Experts In The Industry
  • Submit Your Questions To Be Answered In Our Mailbox Monday Episodes.
Subscribe To Explorer
Bitcoin Coaching Service

Navigate The Unknown With A Captain

You're someone who has created or inherited of financial resources and bear a responsibility to steward this well. Your traditional network of contacts, relationships, and peers are unable to help you in this new frontier. 

You want to explore the unknown but want to pay for the expertise to help you navigate properly.

  • Confidential Private Peer Groups - Be paired with like-minded peers to navigate the Bitcoin Standard in Business & Professional Life
  • Live Roundtable Discussion - Multiple live (and also recorded) discussions. Discussions are led by both an Bitcoin facilitator and a subject matter expert, covering a specific topic of importance to the Bitcoin journey.
  • Financial Planning Models: Every month we will publish an interactive model that can be used for planning various considerations of the Bitcoin journey.
  • One-on-One Private Concierge: We provide one-on-one calls with Bitcoin experts to help you navigate trusts, cold storage, multi-sig, entity formation, tax strategies. 
Subscribe To Navigator

This community is "Inclusive" & "Exclusive"

Columbus is sort of like Bitcoin in that it's made for everyone, but something not everyone will adopt.

Similarly, the tiers and services are structured to have clear separation and serve different audiences but provide value to everyone. 

But let's be clear: we're Bitcoin-only. Grifters, detractors, and crypto bros are not allowed.

This Community Is For You If...

  • You have recognized you're caught in the fiat hamster wheel
  • You have a hard time sifting through the Twitter echochamber.
  • You are afraid to put your career relatiionships at risk by engaging on LinkedIn. 
  • You want the insight and access, but need it in something less than a 3 hour podcast.
  • You value meetups, but maybe don't have the time, energy, or bandwidth to make community work consistently. 
Yes! I want In

Don't Navigate Your Journey Alone. 



Bitcoin Only Community Platform (Vetted Access)

  • Access To Columbus Digital Community
  • Access to Bitcoin 101 Courses, Lessons, And Discounted Products
Join Columbus



Content, Courses, Community, and Connection

  • Community Platform

  • Self-Sovereignty Digital Content Library.

  • Curated Bi-Weekly Newsletter

  • Monthly Webinars With Experts

  • Mailbox Monday 




For High Net Worth Individuals and Business Owners

  • Everything In Explorer Plus:
  • Confidential Private Peer Groups 
  • Live Roundtable Discussions (live & prerecorded)
  • Monthly Financial Planning Models
  • Monthly One-on-One Private Concierge

Credit to Tomer Strolight

Why Columbus?

The Bitcoin journey is reminiscent of Christopher Columbus historic expedition in 1492'.

Where others feared to go, preferring the comforts of tradition, Columbus saw that sailing towards an unknown land could lead to great rewards.

Bitcoiners see a similar opportunity in the modern, digital realm – a path to a New World of finance and wealth. 

Our journey demands we develop understanding and conviction. It demands we follow through, arriving at the new frontier and then building upon it when we arrive.

We must set up the proper conditions for our journey’s success. We must make proper preparations, correctly setting up our security, trusts, inheritances, and households to be ‘seaworthy’ for this voyage.

We’re among the first of our peers to ever sail into the Bitcoin frontier.

We accept it won’t be smooth sailing all the way. 

We are prepared to be called crazy, reckless, irresponsible, and even dishonest, knowing those words are just the huffing and puffing of people without our insight.

Conviction is the energy which moves our ships.
It was, after all, not wind that moved Columbus’ ships westward towards America, but his conviction in his ideas that caused those sails which captured that wind to be raised and to remain hoisted.
Sign Up For Columbus

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